Monday, May 21, 2012

Who's to Blame?

The story of Romeo and Juliet is like many other stories in that it has the basic parts of plot and it also has setting, conflict, complications, protagonist and...hmmm, does it have an antagonist?  Who is the "bad guy" in this story--who is to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet? Decide who you think is to blame and clearly explain why by backing up your opinion with evidence.

Remember, you must respond to at least one other peer in order to have a chance at receiving full credit for your blog.


  1. I think lord capulet is the reason for the death of Romeo and Juliet, because he pushed Juliet to do something she should have never had to do fake killing herself which killed Romeo because she didn't wake up yet when he got there so he didn't think the potion worked so he killed himself then Juliet woke up and found him dead, so she killed herself to be with him.

    1. yes I do belive that this is true. but, lord capulet is not the only one that pushes her over the edge. but he is one of the big ones but there is more people involved

    2. Don't forget that Lord Capulet has NO idea that his daughter is married or even has fallen in love. Both Juliet's parents and Romeo's parents are completely in the dark about what is really going on with their children.

  2. I think that both the familys are to blame. we never find out why there is a fued between the familys. but, the ones who made the fued are the ones to blame. because, if there was no fued it would not be a problem. all and all its the family names fault

    1. I agree 100%. Romeo and Juliet had to sort of sneak around with their realationship because of the feud with the two families, and for this reason it is the parents fault.

    2. Charlie, I agree with you. The families were to blame. Romeo and Juliet could have had a normal love life if there wasn't a feud between the two families.

    3. I agree as well, if there parents were okay with them being together then none of this would have happened. they pretty much had to to sneak out just to see one another, and that's not healthy.

    4. I agree. If there was no feud, Romeo and Juliet would have lived together with no problems. The feud caused the deaths of Tybalt and Mercutio, and the deaths lead to Romeo being banished and juliet taking sleep potions. The families are to blame 100%

    5. Charlie, great thoughts! if the families woud not have been fighting then it wouldn' have been an issue about Romeo and Juliet being together.

  3. i think that it isn't just one person's fault, but alot of people's faults. i think that the fued of the two families, lord capulet, friar laurence, and just sheer bad luck. if the friar had gotten a hold of romeo before he went into the tomb, the whole tragedy could have been avoided. romeo and juliet would not have had to keep their marriage secret if lord capulet had not tried pushing her into it and they would not have killed themselves. the fued of the to families put alot of pressure on romeo and juliet because they probably feared what would happen when their families found out. overall, there were a lot of contibuting factors to the reason they killed themselves

    1. Great thoughts, Jacob! There are many contributing factors. Could "bad luck" or even "fate" be an antagonist?

    2. i couldn't agree more.its more than one person that caused this, it was the mistakes of many people and bad luck that killed them and the fact that there two families have fought since the dawn of time.

  4. I think that both sets of parents are to blame. Romeo and Juliet wouldn't have felt preassured to have to keep their romance a secret. They could have led a normal loving relationship between them, but because of the feud between the families, Romeo and Juliet weren't able to do this. I think that that sets of parents, and other people between the montagues and capulets as well all act very immature, and that is why the ending turned out the way that it did.

    1. That is exactly how I felt.I thought they should have eather admitted to loving each other or the feud should never had existed.

    2. I agree. This is what i put for mine too. I think the feud is very childish and should've stopped long ago. Great job!

  5. I believe that both Romeo and Juliet's parents are to blame. I believe this is so because the parents were pushing both Romeo and Juliet to stay far away from eachother because of the feud. Romeo and Juleit didn't want to upset their parents and let them down. The way the families acted towards eachother was very cruel and mean which gave Juliet and Romeo no choice but to just sneek around. Without the feud and how cruel the families were towards eachother Romeo and Juliet could have led a normal love life just like others but they couldn't because they were both scared of the reaction.

    1. Great thoughts, Alyssa. Makes sense to me :)

    2. I totaly agree. The feud is the main reason that every thing happened like it did. They could have had a normal life and everyone would have been happy at the end.

    3. I agree also. If it werent for the feud Romeo and Juliet could have been happy without hiding there love. Everyone couldve been happy and no one would have to gave been killed.

    4. I also agree that the parents were to blame. Because they wouldn't have killed themselves if there parents familes would have gotten along.

    5. I also agree because I think if the families weren’t against each other I think Romeo and Juliet would have been very happy together

  6. Please, please, please--proof read your posts before you publish. Some of the posts seem a bit careless and rushed.

  7. I think that both sides have equal blame for it.If they were to just drop this hatred/feud between them Tybalt wouldn't have killed Marcutio and Romeo wouldnt have killed Tybalt.Then Romeo wouldn't have gotten banished, making Romeo and Juliet to go to such extremes to be together.On the other hand, Friar could be to blame for giving Juliet that potion.Although she thretened to kill herself, he could have tryed harder to show her the brighter side of things.Maybe fate is to blame because just because they are "star crossed lovers" doesn't mean their fate was set.

    1. maybe it was their fate to kill themselves in the end in order to end the feud.

  8. I think their families' are to blame. Even though they didn't know about the love affair, they were the ones who created a problem with their ancient family feud. If it weren't for them keeping up the childish fights and arguments between the two families, Romeo and Juliet could've been together like they were meant to be. Their families constant bickering caused the problem.

  9. I think that it was the parents falt. They sould never have been fighting. The capulets and motagues could have been relatite. Romeo and Juliet could have a good marrage that everyone knew about it. They could of had kids to.

    1. kenny, you make some good points and i agree with you that the families could have been good friends. they were fighting like my brother and sister, once they get their minds set that the other person is wrong, they won't stop their argueing until they are threatened with punishment. the capulets and montagues aren't the only ones who have their families torn apart because of stupid arguments either, even though they don't kill the members of the other family, i know two families who won't even stay in the same building as the other, all over something stupid. we should always consider the other person's point of veiw and let arguments drop as soon as they start.

    2. Thats exactly what I think. The parents and families really ruined it for the two. If there never was a feud, everything would've ended perfectly.

    3. I agree with you kenny if there was no fighting between the familes Romeo and Juliet could of had a good marrige and not died

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  11. I think it is either Lord Capulet, Friar Laurence, or Romeo and Juliet. Lord Capulet because if he wasn't so stubborn and just listened to what Juliet had to say I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have taken the potion. Friar Laurence because he is the one who marries them, i think he knew that something was going to happen and that's why he did what he did. Romeo and Juliet because they made all of there decisions fast and didn't think twice about it. If they just slowed down and actually thought about it there deaths wouldn't have happened the way they did.

  12. i think its the parents fault. they fight and the burden it put on the children. the reason Romeo and Juliet killed them selves was because they couldn't be together. if Capulet would have listened Juliet would never have to take the potion and romeo would have never went to see her in the tomb.

  13. I think the feud itself is the antagonist of this story. Romeo and Juliet cant be together with the families knowing because of this feud. Romeo and Tybalt never would have faught if it werent for the feud and Romeo and Juliet wouldnt have to hide there love. The feud is definatley the problem.

  14. I think fate and the family feud is to blame. The family feud lasted way to long and when Romeo and Juliet fell in love, this was fates chance to end the feud once and for all. Now that the families only children are dead, the feud will end when the families die off. This is fates way of saying not to screw with the stars.

  15. I think it is the familes fault. Because if they would have gotten along there children wouldn't have to had to sneak around and get married without hidding it from there paretns/people.

  16. I think it’s both families fault for not fixing their problems and not letting Romeo and Juliet be together. If they didn’t fight all the time I’m sure they would have lived for a long time and have been happy.

  17. I think that the fued between both families started so long ago that there was no going back to not fighting. The children "changed there stars" because they fell in love with each other but because their families didnt like each other that is what killed them.

  18. The antagonist in this story is the feud between the families. The feud ended up causing the death of their children. If there never was a feud, Romeo and Juliet would've been together from the start, no questions asked. They would've ended up happy together.

    1. There is no saying that Romeo and Juliet would've been happy together because we don't know if Capulet would've approved for Romeo to marry his daughter or not. Plus, men usually didn't get married until after 21 unless they were in a rush like Romeo was in a rush to marry Juliet so he wouldn't lose her.

  19. I believe its Romeo and Juliet's families. If the families weren't in a feud they would know that they are married, but instead they keep it a secret and don't say anything. Scene Juliet's parent don't know they want her to marry Paris. I think that makes everything go down hill from there. They just wanted to be happy together without any feuds.

  20. I believe that Romeo is the root of the whole problem, making him the antagonist. The fact that Romeo is so fickle caused the whole problem. Juliet more than likely would've married Paris like her family had told her to if Romeo wasn't in the picture. Plus, Romeo's anger caused him to kill Tybalt, which caused him to get banished. The banishment and miscommunication caused the death of both Romeo and Juliet.

    1. Good thought, but Romeo can't be the antagonist. He's the protagonist.

    2. i agree that romeo could have been the antagonist, i never thought of it that way. good thoughts veronica

  21. I think Tybalt is the antagonist. If it werent for Tybalt, Juliet's masquerade party wouldve gone undisturbed, Tybalt would never have challenged Romeo, and worst of all, Romeo wouldnt be banished.

  22. i belive the parents are to blame because of how they fight and never say what there childern say and how much the two are in love

    1. you are right on that one, but what if they were not the ones that were not at falt in this at all ?

  23. The parents are to blame as michaela said. they were fighting to much or threting them.

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