Friday, April 27, 2012

Romeo & Juliet in the Modern World

Balcony Scene: Romeo & Juliet
The story of Romeo and Juliet is hundreds of years old; however, its themes still are very much apart of our modern world.  For example, forbidden love, the power of fate, vengence & hate are powerful themes in Romeo & Juliet.  Think about the music that you listen to, the tv shows that you watch, the books you read, or the movies that you enjoy--can you think of any that have similar themes to Romeo and Juliet? What from our modern world can you connect to Romeo and Juliet? How or why does it connect?

Respond to this post, but for full points, make sure to respond to 1 other classmate.


  1. When I read this, the first thing that comes to my mind is the importance of fate in the movie The Butterfly Effect. The Butterfly Effect is about a man who tries messing with his and his friends' fates by changing thier pasts. There are two versions of this movie, but in one of the versions, he realizes that he can't make everyone including himself happy. He ends up going back to when his mother was in labor with him and tangles himself in his umbilical cord, making himself his mother's fourth still birth. Earlier in the movie, when he is in college and his mom visits him, he goes with his mother to a furtune teller and finds out that he was never meant to be born. Just that he was born messed everything up. His fate was messed up already, and he did everything he could to fix his and his friends' messed up lifes, but he couldn't. By following his original fate, he made all of his friends' lives the best they ever could've been.

    1. Thats what i was thinking about. The Butterfly Effect is a perfect example for twisting fate. Couldnt have said this any better.

    2. Very good idea, Veronica. However, you forgot to do the similarities between the modern world and Romeo and Juliet.You can sport rivarlies, school rivarlies, or personal rivarlies.

  2. When I think about the fight against fate, I think about "Final Destination." In "Final Destination" a high school teenager is on his way to Fance for a school trip. When he is bording the plane and sits down, he see a vison that the plane cashes on lift off. That is he beginning of the fight against fate. Then throughout the movies all the kids that got off the plane with the boy dies in the order they were sitting in on the plane. In Romeo ane Juliet both kids are going against fate when they fall in love. They both are from two families that hate each other. They then fall in love even when they their families would not approve. I think that the Wausaukee Ranger and the Crivitz Wolverines fit this situation. Both schools hate each others. However students from both schools still are friends with each other.

    1. I was going to wright the same thing with the final destination idea. They change their fate by conquering death and it comes back to haunt them. Great minds think alike Preston.

    2. You hit the nail on the head. Fate is a wast of time but it is fun to fight for what you beleve in. The last fight you face is daeth it selth. All these copy cats would make Shakespeare happy or mad that they copyed him with out paying him if he was a ruond today.

    3. yes i agree with the wausaukee crivitz thing but i dont see more of the final destination love theme in it but i also have not seen it

    4. I agree with Charlie that the Wausaukee and Crivitz thing is similar to Romeo and Juliet,but iv'e never seen final destination either.

  3. When I think of Romeo and juliet, I think of the song "Check Yes Juliet" by We The kings. The song is about 2 people falling in love but people are saying things to tear them apart. He makes it seem like they are trying to rip them apart and the only way to make them stop is to run away and not look back. its very much like the story of Romeo and Juliet.

    1. I agree completely. This song does explains Romeo and Juliet pretty well. It even says the name Romeo in the song. It is the perfect song for Romeo and Juliet.

    2. Zach, who do you mean by "he"? How does this song fit the theme of the play? It may be "perfect" but you should support your opinion by explaining yourself.

  4. When I think of fate it reminds me of the movie "Click". In the movie he tries to make his life completely perfect by skipping things zand it comes back to get him. He tries "crossing the stars" by trying to change his whole life. It turns out that he eventually ends up loseing most of his life by skipping through the hardships.

    1. how does this relate back to Romeo & Juliet? I know it is obvious, but you want to make sure that your comments go "full circle".

    2. I think this is a perfect example! In fact I was mad that I hadn't thought of this one. I like how you used the reference "crossing the stars." Good job!

    3. I agree totaly. he thought that he could do anything and skip over the hard things. But then he realizes that you have to be knowing of what happens our you would miss out on the little things.

  5. A similar theme i think of compared to Romeo and Juliet is the "Twilight" saga. Romeo and Juliet aren't allowed to be together even tho they are in love. Edward and Bella aren't allowed to be together either because Edward is a vampire and Bella is a human. But yet, they are still together because they are in love. The stories have the same theme.

    1. That's what I was thinking of Zach. You hit it right on the head

  6. Great job all of you! Does any one have any ideas or thoughts about "why" these themes might be so common? Popular?

    Also--remember, you are an important person and "I" should be capitalized.

    1. I think these are so commom or popular because, when you think about fighting fate you think of your favorite movie, song, or book. You then think on how they both have similarities and differences. These are so popular because they are all big hits

    2. Why do you suppose they are big hits? Why do you suppose themes like the ones in R and J remainded popular for 100's of years.

  7. At first I could not tell what it was about. I would say that the theme is more like a love stroy at a time of war or I can't think of it. Maybe that Saw book I reed has a cose theme.

  8. when I think of romeo and juliet I think of the new footlose. you have the two different kids the new bad boy and the preachers daugther. fate should not bring them together but they end up together any way.

  9. Oh, good thought Charlie--Footloose is about two opposing sides and their children falling in love. Although, Footloose isn't a tragedy, it still relates to a theme of R and J. Can you explain what you mean by your last line? I am not sure I understand it clearly.

  10. I have read Romtte and jileo it is about to teenages who full in love but can't be torgther because of this gang did not want it to be the gang trys to kill them but yet they are found a live at the end.

  11. Michaela, could you explain a little what Romette and Julio is? It is unclear to those who are not familiar with it what exactly it is. That is a great connection to the play though. Does the novel consist of the same themes?

  12. I think the movie "She's Out of My League" is a great example. In this movie Kirk is constantly told by his friends that he isn't good enough. He starts to believe this. So much so, that when he does fall in love, his conflict of her (Molly) being too perfect or too good for him gets in the way. In a case like this, most people would say they don't belong together. Kirk proves everyone wrong by going after what he wants. He gets his love back. In our modern world, there are plenty of people around the world that strive to do great things. They try to make their lives the way they want them, sometimes they do things that are not necessarily supposed to happen. They change their fate. Everyday life is like Romeo and Juliet; plenty of struggles and sacrifices.

  13. I think the Twilight movies have alot in common with Romeo and Juliet. Both of these have forbidden love as a theme. In the way that the Capulets and Montauge's clash, also kind of happens between the vampires/werewovles in Twilight. Something from our modern world that I can connect to Romeo and Juliet is that sometimes even today people from clashing families could be together, that wouldn't be out of the ordinary. Another thing would be people sacraficing things for eachother, that is something that still happens today.

    1. I agree completely with your statement on how the Capulet's and Montauge's are like the Vampires and the Werewolves. But I feel like if you would have mentioned how Edward and Jacob both loved Bella; kind of like Romeo loved Juliet and Rosaline. Just something I questioned.

    2. I agree with Mary with the Twilight Saga movies. Romeo and Juliet's families are like the Vampires and Wolves. The Capulet's do not want Romeo and Juliet together along with the Montauge's don't want the same. Vampires don't want Bella with the Wolves and the Wolves don't want Bella with the Vampires.

    3. Good thinking Jasmin--Romeo does have conflicted love interests as well does Bella with Jacob and Edward.
      I never thought about Twilight as related to R and J, but I see it now. Nice job, girls.

  14. When I think of Romeo and Juliet I think of fate and it being written in the stars and how they changed their fate. I think the movie the butterfly effect and how by being alive when he's not supposed to he changes fate for him and everyone he’s around. He changes fate every time he goes back in time.In the end he realizes that to make things better he must never exist. He is forced to go back and strangle himself with his own birth cord to save everyone he loves.

  15. When I think of Romeo and Juliet I think of the movie The Notebook. In the Notebook, Ally and Noah are from two different life styles. Ally is from a wealthy family and Noah is from a poor family. But in Romeo and Juliet they are both from the same class but there parents despise each other. In the Notebook Ally falls in love with Noah and Ally's parents don't want her to see him anymore. In order for Ally to move on she must move away and forget Noah. After she moves away, she falls in love with someone her parents approve of. But she goes back to be with Noah because she loves him. In Romeo and Juliet their parents would never let them be together and Juliet's parents insist she marries Paris who she doesn't love. Both Romeo and Juliet share many similarities. They both show how powerful love is and how willing they were to give up there lives to be with one another.

    1. I agree with you. Even though I have never watched the movie The Notebook, I get a better understanding of how it is related to Romeo and Julet and about there love conflicts.

    2. I absolutely agree with you Jasmin. I have the same feelings but I didn't think about things until I read your Blog. And I agree with you 100% because they were from different social classes in "the Notebook" but in Romero and Juliet they are of the same social class...but the hatread the families have for each other is unbarable! In "The Notebook" Ally's family gets over Noah being poor because they recognize the love that the lvoers have for each other. In Romeo and Juliet they belive that fate didn't find it's way and they aren't meant to be with each other, so they don't really care about what feelings are being felt betweeen them.

  16. The song i think of when I think of Romeo and Juliet is "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. It is based right off of the story, it tell you everything and tells the story its self.

  17. I can think of a song that talks about, and has a similar theme to Romeo and Juliet. The song is called "Check Yes Juliet" by We the Kings. The chorus of this song is "Lace off your shoes, here’s how we do. Run baby run, don’t ever look back. They'll tear us apart if you give them the chance. Don't sell your heart; don't say we're not meant to be. Run baby run, forever will be, you and me." This is similar to Romeo and Juliet because it is saying that the two people in this song are running away together. The singer in the song is telling the girl not to look back because their families will tear them apart. Another example is “I’ll keep tossing rocks at your window." This is a famous line in a lot of songs about Romeo and Juliet and it is part of the story, so that is how it relates. I think we can still connect forbidden love from Romeo and Juliet to the modern world. There are still parents that wouldn’t want their kids to like or marry a certain person, just like in Romeo and Juliet. (I don’t know if I did this right with the connection thing?)

  18. When I think of the play Romeo and Juliet I think of the movie "Titanic". In the movie Titanic, Jack and Rose are from two different lifestyles. But Romeo and Juliet are from the same class. They have conflict in the play just like in the movie of the Titanic. Jack and Rose are in love but Rose's parent's don't want them to be togther; same as Romeo and Juliet.

    1. I totally agree with this. I think that it was a good choice because it totally represents them. Maybe you could have added more details but all in all it’s really good.

  19. The song Love Story by Taylor Swift reminds me of Romeo and Juliet. Taylor Swift would be Juliet and the guy would be Romeo, it is a forbidden love and their parents don’t want them to date just like the story Romeo and Juliet. The only difference is that in the song they end up getting married and in Romeo and Juliet they both die.

    1. I agree with this a lot, especially when you look at the lyrics of the song. I actually know the meaning of the song now that i know what Romeo and Juliet meaning is.

  20. Recently, my mom went to see the play "West Side Story." She said that it's about two rival gangs who hate each other, and through all the fights there is a couple that loves each other. These two are from opposing gangs, but they would do anything for each other. After I heard this, I knew right away that is was based off Romeo and Juliet because the two gangs would represent the two families, Capulets and Montagues, each hate each other, but between all this there are two lovers.

  21. My parents went to see that play too and they said that it was a very good play. That's a very good interpretation you stole my idea.

  22. When I was reading Romeo and Juliet I thought of the disney movie Gnomeo and Juliet. The two neigbors are the capulets and the montagues just like Romeo and Juliet. Also Gnomeo and Juliet have a secret love for each other and meet with each other secretly in the garden like Romeo and Juliet. The movie also has a lot othe similarites too.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. thats a very good example :) i wish i would of thought of that!

  23. When I was reading Romeo and Juliet, I made a connection to two characters from the movie Titanic, Jack and Rose. Rose is a first class passenger with a fiance and Jack won third class tickets in a game. They meet and fall in love almost as quickly as Romeo and Juliet. Their parents don't want them to be together, though and fate intervenes and takes Jack, but nobody knows what happens to Rose.

  24. I think the song Oh Darling by plug in the stero is a good song that can relate to what both romeo and juliet are feeling/thinking. Also the male's singing part in the song can be pictured as Romeo speaking to Juliet. The female's part in the song can be pictured as Juliet speaking to Romeo. One line that the male sings is "I bet I'm not number one on your list to kiss, but please understand" Its like Romeo telling Juliet that even though they are different she should give him a chance. Another line, but by the female singer is "That although we’re different types,We were meant to be" Juliet realzies her love for Romeo and is saying even though we are from opposite families they were still meant to be together. Last line I would like to relate is the females line, "So just take a chance, try to hold my hand" It reminds me of how even though Juliet's father forbids the love, she asks him to marry her and take the chance.

    1. I think that this song is a good choice. Yolan, you did an awesome job comparing the book to the song and i totally agree!

    2. i can really like how you compaired the song to the book because it really makes sence! good job:)

  25. When I read Romeo and Juliet I think of the Titanic were Jack and Rose both love each other, But they are both from different lifestyles. Rose is from a rich family and Jack is from a poorer family, so Roses mother doesn't want her to be with Jack because she thinks it gives there family a bad name just like in Romeo and Juliet there family's don't like each other so they think it'll give there family's a bad name.

  26. Well, reading Romeo and Juliet I was thinking about the movie New Moon. Being a big twilight fan I couldn't help but see all the connections. In the beginning of the book and movie Stephenie Meyer wrote a quote from The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet "These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, Like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume." I believe this was foreshadowing. In this story Edward loves Bella but he leaves her just like how Romeo was banished. And then than later in the story Edward calls Bella and Jacob, who dislikes Edward, picks up. When Edward asks for Bella's dad Jacob tells him that He is arranging a funeral and hangs up. Edward had called because his sister Rosaline told him Bella was dead when Jacob told him that he thought it confirmed what Rosaline told him. The truth is recently a friend of Bella's dad died not Bella. Edward goes to the Valtoury as a suicide act. Don't worry though they both live in the end but Romeo and Juliet were not so fortunate. This relates to Romeo and Juliet because at the end of their story Romeo thinks Juliet is dead but she is not, just like Bella, and he kills him self, like Edward's suicide attempt.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. When I read Romeo & Juliet I think of the song "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. In the song she refers to the guy as Romeo and she refers herself to Juliet because their parents don't want them together. In the song they end up getting married but in the book Romeo and Juliet, they die. One thing from the modern world that you can connect to Romeo and Juliet is some parents do forbid their daughter or son from being with someone else. This is a connection because Romeo and Juliet's parents didn't want them to be together.

  28. When I think of Romeo and Juliet, I think of the song love story by taylor swift becfause she based the entire song on it. I think it relates to them because of the lyrics. It talks about how they meet at the party when romeo was watching juliet on the balcony type thingy.

  29. "Just the way you are", by bruno mars, reminds me a lot of Romeo and Juliet because of how much he pours his feelings out to the girl he loves. I wish love was like that these days but i do not see that anymore. Romeo and Juliet's love seem to be perfect other than the fact their familys are enemies. Any airl that had a "man" that cares about her so much where it is to the point he will do anything for her is pretty special, Because in reality very few realtions are like that. Their lover for each other is like the fairy tale movies you wish you were in. All in all, i don't see any love like they share for each other.

  30. When i think of Romeo and Juliet, I think of the movie "The Notebook", because the love that Noah and Allie had for each other was a strong love. Yet even though their love was strong that didn't matter because her family was of a different class than NOah's...such as different ranks of social groups. And Allie's parents forbid Allie to be with Noah. They had to go through a lot to be with each other, even if it hurt the ones they loved.

    1. The only difference I see here is social classes. Social classes and Romeo and Juliet have almost nothing to do with each other. Romeo and Juliet are held apart by feuding families.

  31. I read through this and nothing really comes to mind. I'm not really the average teen that watches dreary teen movies and shows and listens to dreary teen music. I watch more fast-paced movies. I still watch good movies and shows, they're just not the typical teen dramas that contain themes like this. Ill think of something...

  32. i can only think of the movie gnomeo and Juliet, which someone already talked about. obviously, the movie was based on romeo and Juliet,but they don't die in the end, yes i hate to break it to you, but romeo and Juliet die in the end.
